A friend of mine messaged our group this past week deeply concerned about an oversight that had happened at work, one in which she was closely involved. It was one of those more serious mistakes, one that could affect people personally, one that kept her up that night. Still, to err is human.
What came to mind to share in that moment is something that has given me consolation, as well as empowerment, in times of need. It’s from the late, great and astoundingly creative Miles Davis: "If you hit a wrong note, it's the next note that you play that determines if it's good or bad."
What do we do with what we have, and what’s happened? It’s about what comes next.
Side note: In confirming this quote, I pulled up a page of others of his, and wow, did he have some meaningful things to say, in addition to play, including: “In improvisation, there are no mistakes.”
Life, and all that jazz.